
5 trends of the most innovative companies in the world

oinaime • January 9, 2023

We brought you a content full of concepts capable of expanding your creative and innovative potential.
And as our game is played around the world, we will bring you an overview of the mindset and culture of innovation within the most innovative companies in the world.
You will see:


  • Culture of innovation;
  • Trends of the most innovative companies in the world;
  • Examples of the world's most innovative companies that you can start applying now;
  • Company culture as a tool for innovation.


Innovation Culture

According to a UN report , the world is evolving at an ever-faster pace and is increasingly interconnected. On the other hand, problems increase in complexity, opportunities abound, but risks are greater and more contagious. Never before have the most pressing concerns and problems been so common to everyone.
Given this scenario, creating and implementing sustainable strategies has become a key discipline within the agenda of large organizations. In this way, innovative companies approach product and business model development in a holistic way, both internally and externally.

The culture of innovation becomes fundamental to stimulate creativity among employees, seeking answers to the problems they try to solve in an agile, continuous, scalable and sustainable way.

Cultura de Inovação

5 trends of the most innovative companies in the world

 The 2022 ranking of the 50 most innovative companies in the world considers sustainability and ESG concepts as the main indicators of innovation opportunities, in a combination of selections of chains and stakeholders that encompasses the commitments of large corporations with topics such as zero carbon .
Key factors for innovation planning:

1. Benchmarking:

Market research, involving the competition, the target audience, the problem you want to solve and existing solutions with the aim of identifying high-leverage technology and businesses.

2. Search:

Seek new alternatives for raw materials and materials to manufacture, for consumption or other applications.

3. Key partnerships:

Integrate your company into your ecosystem and find synergies to work on a larger scale, expanding your reach and demand.

4. Legacy:

Build a legacy in your industry, not just to innovate, but also to create scale and reach.

5. ESG:

ESG trends and sustainability are increasingly in vogue, especially in the innovative solutions agenda. Leverage government, NGO, or university initiatives to find more opportunities.
The expression “out of the comfort zone” is a good illustration of what happens within the world of innovation, mainly in a context of research for new materials and sustainable products.

It is necessary to create in a risk-free zone, with greater predictability of the product's useful life cycle, in order to avoid losses.


Examples of the world's most innovative companies that you can start applying now


If you are looking for ideas to innovate in your company, researching examples of innovation can be a first step to take this journey with your team.


That's why we selected three of the 50 most innovative companies in the world for you to learn how to use creativity and innovation as a tool for success with your team.



Founded in 1920, the German company is the largest sports equipment company in Europe and the second largest in the world.

To remain at the forefront of its market, it is possible to observe how the brand invests in the factors and trends mentioned above, which place it in the 35th position of the 50 most innovative companies in the world.


  1. Adidas focuses on its purpose  of being a sports brand, with a strategic focus based on the pillars of credibility, consumer experience, sustainability and a strong organizational culture , which, through a mindset of innovation combined with the agility of digital technologies , expands each time more your reach.
  2. And speaking of digital technologies, recently the sports giant began to undertake in the metaverse  and in NFTs, in partnership  with Bored Ape Yacht Club , with high expectations of profit.
  3. Since 2015, Adidas has tested new inputs to keep up with high demand while maintaining its commitment to sustainability . In this way, the company develops even more partnerships to create shoes with plastic removed from the oceans. In addition, 60% of all production was made with recycled polyester and vegan products.



Bosch :


This century-old multinational has been operating since 1886 in the engineering and electronics segments. Established with headquarters in Germany and 440 subsidiaries and branches in more than 60 countries, the company focuses on four main sectors: Mobility Solutions, Industrial Technology, Consumer Goods & Energy and Building Technology.


Currently, Bosch ranks 26th on the list of the 50 most innovative companies in the world, is a leader in IoT, offering innovative solutions for smart homes and cities, Industry 4.0 and connected mobility.


  1. With a great commitment to encourage creative thinking and a culture of innovation among its employees, Bosch invests heavily in the fields of artificial intelligence research .
  2. In order to progress with the best results and agility, its engineering team carries out prototyping, simulation and optimization sprints for new materials  . In this way, it is able to promote the circular economy and fields of innovation, offering the market new products at lower costs  . Expectations are of a possible reduction of 30% to 50% in production time.
  3. The research department is working on technologies for efficient processes  and ways to support sustainable manufacturing  , bringing innovations quickly to market, with the aim of maximizing the use and lifespan of resources in a circular economy..



Samsung :

The Samsung Group is a South Korean conglomerate that began its activities as a trading company in 1938. Currently, it is considered one of the largest manufacturers of electronic devices in the world, specializing in the production of a wide variety of consumer goods, home appliances, semiconductors, memory chips, integrated systems and IoT. In addition to being one of the most recognized brands on the planet, Samsung is among the 10 most innovative companies in the world, occupying the 6th position.

  1. The company is technology-driven , in a constant quest to deliver innovative solutions and the best possible user experience , contributing to a better global society.
  2. In this way, Samsung values its technologies and its employees , who must follow a strict code of conduct and excellence , in addition to an organizational culture that encourages innovation, with values such as adaptability to change and co-prosperity .
  3. In addition to all these initiatives, the group runs the Samsung Innovation Campus, a global company program  that provides and encourages skills and competencies related to technology and education .


Among all the different initiatives in favor of innovation by each of these companies, it is possible to observe the organizational culture as a key element for exponential growth and success results.


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Existem muitas ideias e projetos inovadores. Utilizá-los pode transformar completamente a forma como percebemos o mundo e realizamos nossas tarefas diárias. Algumas invenções são tão voltadas para o futuro que estabelecem um legado para as gerações futuras. Parece que pessoas brilhantes podem construir tudo o que você possa imaginar, incluindo gadgets, veículos e quase qualquer outra coisa. O pensamento inventivo é geralmente caracterizado por romper com o status quo. Métodos inovadores podem tornar os métodos antigos obsoletos e introduzir paradigmas novos e imprevisíveis. Um verdadeiro inovador é alguém que inova novas ideias e as traz à vida. Inovar significa criar algo que torne a vida melhor. A paixão é a chave para a inovação. O mundo parece diferente para os inovadores. Como resultado, eles ficam obcecados em tornar o mundo um lugar melhor. Inovadores com fins lucrativos estão sempre tentando agregar valor ao mercado. Algumas pessoas se concentram em impulsionar a raça humana por meio de pesquisas básicas. Seja qual for o setor em que atuamos, todos trabalhamos incansavelmente para resolver problemas e criar um mundo melhor. A civilização humana testemunhou muitas maravilhas da engenharia ao longo da história, algumas das quais melhoraram a qualidade de vida e outras foram destrutivas. Por outro lado, no mundo dos negócios acelerado de hoje, continuar melhorando é uma maneira essencial de desenvolver sua mentalidade inovadora e preencher qualquer lacuna de habilidades que sua equipe possa ter. O relatório LinkedIn 2023 Most In-Demand Skills mostra que as soft skills, tanto usadas dentro da empresa (como resolução de problemas, liderança e tomada de decisão) quanto fora (alcançar e reter clientes) estão entre as que as empresas mais precisam neste momento. Então, vamos dar uma olhada nos 20 maiores inovadores de todos os tempos e nas habilidades que os fizeram ter sucesso: Aqui estão os 20 maiores inovadores de todos os tempos. 6 principais soft skills para você e sua equipe alcançarem seus objetivos. Em um mundo de automação, são as soft skills que diferenciam.
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