
10 Corporate Gaming Trends for Team Building In 2023

oinaime • December 23, 2022

The corporate guide to strengthen teams: remote activities, fun dynamics, organizational culture.


Your employees are your number one asset, and you should do everything you can to ensure they remain happy and healthy the entire time they are with the company. If you want to build strong relationships among your team and improve the climate in the workplace, you need to build team building activities into your corporate culture.


The corporate team building contributes to strengthening relationships in the workplace and ensuring that everyone walks together towards a common goal, even outside of business hours!


So this guide brings you everything you need to know about the best ways to integrate team building games into your daily office routine. We'll also cover some fun practices you can try with your collaborators to help bring everyone closer together in a less formal setting, even remotely!

So if you’re ready to increase your collaboration and cultivate leadership among your staff, keep reading!


  • What is corporate team building?
  • 5 benefits of using games in team building
  • Team Building Strategies
  • Corporate Team Building Games


What is Corporate Team building?


In corporate team building, teams learn to work together by playing games or participating in activities that encourage collaboration. The focus of these exercises is usually on promoting a culture of trust. Whether you're planning an event for your company or simply trying to bond with co-workers, team building games are a great way to get everyone laughing and working as one.



The importance of team building


Team Building is important because it helps to motivate employees. Through dynamics, it is possible to “break the ice” through fun training sessions that teach ways to optimize communication, resulting in building trust, both personally and between teams, in addition to engaging with the company's values. There are several types of team building activities that you can play with your team, capable of engaging on all levels - physical, mental, emotional and psychological.


These games enhance teamwork learning and encourage mutual support to complete tasks or solve problems as they arise during the experience.


Having fun while working hard is essential these days and team building games create an opportunity for colleagues to laugh together while learning valuable lessons on how to work effectively in a group. Employee training should include some kind of hands-on exercise or interactive workshop to make it more memorable – team building exercises provide just that opportunity.


5 benefits of using team building games and fun activities:

Team Building Strategies


Teams are built on collaboration, trust, and a sense of belonging. You can promote these vital team building skills through team building games and activities. However, you don't want to be cheesy when trying to liven up your meetings; it's better to give employees things they enjoy while learning more about each other as they go along.


How to choose the right activities for your corporate event


Team building activities can be a fun way to bring your team together and build solidarity, but finding something that works for everyone isn't always easy. Online virtual games are a great solution to this problem, as they provide a common ground for collaborators of any personality type to interact with, while also getting your team to work together towards a common goal. Plus, with an online training workshop, you can tailor specific challenges to fit your corporate culture.


Why Virtual Team Building?


Being a remote team doesn't mean you can't enjoy corporate team building together. In fact, learning how to make meetings effective for your team distributed across different cities is an important part of creating a collaborative culture.


Team Building Virtual activities are designed with remote teams especially in mind. They promote collaboration without requiring you to be in the same physical location as your colleague. No matter what kind of business you have or where your employees are located, virtual exercises allow you to build trust, form cohesive relationships and focus on core values as a group.


Corporate Team Building Games


Corporate team building games can help improve cooperation and group climate, as well as promote a greater sense of belonging among employees. Virtual reality activities are extremely effective in these respects because they can be designed to mimic a real business scenario, including role-playing and problem solving, as well as allowing users to experience scenarios they might not have experienced before.



Keep reading to find the 10 best gamification ideas in companies.


Check out 10 trends for fun Corporate Team Building games

1 - Board Games for Team Building


A board game can be a great team building idea. With a beginning, middle and end, the team can be divided individually or into teams, which compete until the finish line. Playing a board game is usually exciting and, depending on the methodology, can work as a tool capable of enhancing the learning of relevant concepts for the company and its employees, just as real estate banking is for children.


2 - Escape Room as a Team Building activity


Escape Rooms are a good way to develop teamwork, communication, problem solving skills and much more. If you don't have an escape room near you (or your budget doesn't allow for an in-person experience), there are many virtual escape room options that can be played on your computer or mobile device. Join your co-workers to get out of the rut and find new development formats.


3 - Quiz as a Game for Team Building Corporate Event


The quiz is considered one of the favorite activities to play at corporate team building events because it gives people an opportunity to bond in an environment outside of work. It's a great way to get people out of their seats and interact with others they don't know well yet. If done well, the quiz helps create close relationships between team members and build strong bonds within teams. Organize a team building quiz at your corporate event and give everyone the opportunity to put their skills and knowledge into practice.

4 - Team Building Leadership Activities


If you want to start building your team in a fun way, try some leadership and team building activities that are more engaging. Team building can be a great way to make your employees feel like they are more than just employees; it's also a good way to boost morale and build camaraderie among co-workers who spend most of their days working together.


5 - Team Building Games on Zoom


Do you have remote workers or employees who rarely get to see each other in person? So maybe it's time to try some virtual team-building activities. Online corporate team building games are a great way to bring your team together even if they are miles apart. These games can be played via Zoom (or pretty much any other virtual meeting platform).


6 - Serious games


Have you ever heard of serious games? As contradictory as their name may seem, serious games have become an excellent tool for onboarding, team building and team training. Through the methodology of learning based on games (game based learning - GBL), it uses the union between gamification and didactics to motivate and facilitate the capture of knowledge.


 According to a study carried out by AppLearn , with the aim of understanding the consistency of learning in corporate training, about 90% of employees forget what they learned in the first seven days after training.


 Given this scenario, game-based learning becomes a more appropriate strategy for team-building. In addition, gbl is able to increase the engagement rate by more than 50% .


Gamification ideas in companies using game based learning and examples of serious games.


7 - Lego Serious Play


Lego Serious Play emerged from an experimental process as an instrument to promote dialogue, skills and reflections that take place through guided workshops for adults.


In this way, Lego was able to combine playfulness and childhood memories with the business environment.


8 - Freshbiz Game


The Freshbiz Game is an Israeli game that helps managers and professionals to develop skills and new behaviors, in a dynamic that takes place through a board game, which lasts 60 minutes. With the objective of evaluating aspects of negotiation, decision-making and behavior, the game aims to promote the formation of leaders, construction and integration of teams and development programs.


9 - Job Simulator


Job Simulator is a virtual reality game that immerses the player in different work environments, from chef, office professional, convenience store clerk to automotive mechanic.


10 - Startup Mundi


 Following the line of gamified methodology, Startup Mundi developed a game that takes the concept of edutainment to a new level, uniting all the above concepts in a single game.


With an engaging and exciting game experience, Startup Mundi is ideal for engaging your team and, at the same time, enabling a culture of innovation, a disruptive mindset and intrapreneurship.


Through a realistic simulation of the journey of an innovative new solution or product, from idea to scalability, our unforgettable experiences focus on boosting your business performance through innovation and also work as an incredible team building.


Played in over 21 countries by the world's most innovative organizations, we host online, offline and hybrid sessions.


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Existem muitas ideias e projetos inovadores. Utilizá-los pode transformar completamente a forma como percebemos o mundo e realizamos nossas tarefas diárias. Algumas invenções são tão voltadas para o futuro que estabelecem um legado para as gerações futuras. Parece que pessoas brilhantes podem construir tudo o que você possa imaginar, incluindo gadgets, veículos e quase qualquer outra coisa. O pensamento inventivo é geralmente caracterizado por romper com o status quo. Métodos inovadores podem tornar os métodos antigos obsoletos e introduzir paradigmas novos e imprevisíveis. Um verdadeiro inovador é alguém que inova novas ideias e as traz à vida. Inovar significa criar algo que torne a vida melhor. A paixão é a chave para a inovação. O mundo parece diferente para os inovadores. Como resultado, eles ficam obcecados em tornar o mundo um lugar melhor. Inovadores com fins lucrativos estão sempre tentando agregar valor ao mercado. Algumas pessoas se concentram em impulsionar a raça humana por meio de pesquisas básicas. Seja qual for o setor em que atuamos, todos trabalhamos incansavelmente para resolver problemas e criar um mundo melhor. A civilização humana testemunhou muitas maravilhas da engenharia ao longo da história, algumas das quais melhoraram a qualidade de vida e outras foram destrutivas. Por outro lado, no mundo dos negócios acelerado de hoje, continuar melhorando é uma maneira essencial de desenvolver sua mentalidade inovadora e preencher qualquer lacuna de habilidades que sua equipe possa ter. O relatório LinkedIn 2023 Most In-Demand Skills mostra que as soft skills, tanto usadas dentro da empresa (como resolução de problemas, liderança e tomada de decisão) quanto fora (alcançar e reter clientes) estão entre as que as empresas mais precisam neste momento. Então, vamos dar uma olhada nos 20 maiores inovadores de todos os tempos e nas habilidades que os fizeram ter sucesso: Aqui estão os 20 maiores inovadores de todos os tempos. 6 principais soft skills para você e sua equipe alcançarem seus objetivos. Em um mundo de automação, são as soft skills que diferenciam.
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