
Why Business Innovation is Important?

oinaime • March 16, 2022

How would you define innovation? What's its role in business? For many, innovation means change or improvement over something that already exists. This might be to improve efficiency, productivity, or profitability, or it might involve creating something completely new that didn't exist before.
 Whatever the case, it's important to understand how important it is to your business and why so that you can incorporate it into the way you run your company or market your products or services.

Business innovation definition


Business innovation refers to any product, service, or process introduced by a company in its business practice. In other words, business innovation means an original idea that's carried out effectively to create value for customers and profits for shareholders.



Businesses have always been at risk of disruption by competitors, so business innovation is necessary to avoid being overtaken.


Models of business innovation

Business innovation models describe business processes and methods that can be used by businesses to innovate. There are several models of business innovation: open-source, crowdsourcing, and open innovation as examples.

Open Innovation

Open innovation focuses on identifying potential research projects outside of a company's current line of work and developing those ideas into products, services, or knowledge. Open Innovation generally occurs in two ways: through open R&D collaborations with partners that often compete with each other to drive progress; and through open product designs where companies invite external input during development by releasing specifications publicly or early-stage prototypes.
Open innovation originated in Scandinavia when Eric von Hippel - who would go on to publish a book called Democratizing Innovation - discovered while studying MIT undergraduates that he was only able to observe 6% of their creative output.

Closed Innovation

In a closed innovation model, firms develop innovations on their own. Innovation takes place within the company exclusively, from idea generation to development and marketing. For example, when developing a new iPhone, they release nothing about it until the product is officially launched. 
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Crowdsourcing innovation

In a crowdsourced innovation, innovators make their ideas available to companies and individuals who offer their feedback on development. Crowdsourcing allows businesses to develop innovative products and services that they might not have thought of otherwise. We do know examples when companies turned failed projects into successfully implemented crowdsourced ideas.
A well-known example of a crowdsourced idea turned into a real product is the Portable North Pole website where users can send letters to Santa Claus or choose an appropriate gift for free by providing some personal information about themselves and Christmas wishes – could be a wish for an iPhone or help in buying expensive camera instead toys. Another good example of Open Innovation can be the Tesla Roadster car from 2012, which was built on top of Lotus Elise chassis. It's safe to say that business innovation helps us with becoming more productive - we benefit from processes and tools that allow us to create better products or reach our audience faster. This also means business success will always depend on people you work with being interested in something new.

Open-source Innovation

The open-source model of business innovation - or just open source for short - involves companies pooling resources to develop software, hardware, and materials. The resulting products are usually licensed with a permissive free and open source license (FOSS) to help encourage community involvement. Linux is perhaps one of the most well known examples of FOSS technology that's become pervasive in just about every aspect of business computing, from databases to web servers. Hadoop, Zend Framework, MariaDB, and Apache Kafka are a few other FOSS projects that have gained traction in recent years as well.
There are lots more we can say about business innovation, but our main point here is simple: businesses should constantly be innovating in order to survive market disruptors.

What is open innovation?

Open Innovation describes how companies are using outside ideas and information to develop new products and services, accelerate R&D efforts, and gain a competitive advantage. It's simply a new way of doing business that combines customer co-creation with external networking. In other words, you get outside help in innovating your company forward. Open Innovation allows businesses to tap into external resources when they need them most.

Types of business models

Business innovation models differ from enterprise to enterprise. Some companies have a simple, static model that they change very little throughout their entire life cycle, while others are constantly innovating and shifting models as new opportunities present themselves. Innovative models can be divided into two general categories: disruptive and sustaining.
Disruptive business innovation models seek to transform existing industries by introducing previously unknown products or services with significant benefits over previous iterations of existing offerings. Businesses pursuing disruptive innovations must anticipate shifts in trends across industries—or even completely overthrow existing markets—as customers look for more efficient, effective methods of buying and using goods or services.
Sustaining business innovation models focus on maximizing existing market opportunities; sustaining businesses rely on incremental improvements to better match their customers' demands. The survival of a business can hinge upon these smaller changes, as we've seen time and again with companies that fail to keep up with industry standards or consistently improve their product line—the result is often slow death through obsolescence.

Tips for creating an innovative business model

While it's crucial for any company to have a solid, reliable business model in place, it's also vital to be flexible and adaptable to changing market conditions. Some of today's top companies were founded on innovative models that left their competition behind in their wake—think Facebook or Google. Identifying opportunities as they arise and creating innovative ways to take advantage of them is an essential skill for long-term success. Here are some tips to consider when adapting your business model:

1. Know your limitations – Your core competencies aren't always transferable to other areas of your business; if you can identify your strengths, you can more easily figure out where you shouldn't focus resources. Trying something new should never come at the expense of doing what you do best. A comfortable degree of risk is acceptable but don't push too far outside your areas of expertise or ability and risk being completely blindsided by unexpected costs - possibly preventing growth altogether.

2. Keep learning – If a successful company with a profitable business model isn't willing to be open-minded about trying new ideas, it will fall behind in competitive marketplaces and eventually go bankrupt. When you have employees who feel free to voice their opinions (even when they disagree with management), there are fewer opportunities for those unknown unknowns to sneak up on you later on down the road.

3. Do right by your team – Company culture is crucial for long-term success; not only does an innovative workplace attract top talent who want to work somewhere that values creativity and experimentation, but it also gives them a sense of loyalty that keeps them coming back as customers over time.

4. Take risks when necessary – The modern market requires you to be forward-thinking at all times. If you can't keep up with what's happening around you and how it could affect your bottom line, your business will eventually become obsolete - causing sales to plummet (and taking jobs with them). As daunting as making significant changes may seem, they offer a much better chance of driving future growth than stubbornly clinging to outdated policies and outmoded ideas about what customers want from their experience.

5. Communicate clearly across different departments - Better communication between sales and marketing results in more efficient leads being turned into actual sales because there's no question about where new customers are originating from or why they're buying from you.

6. Find your niche – Offering products or services to everyone will lead to a one-size-fits-all mentality that can ultimately be fatal for your company; you should aim to focus on an ideal customer base that truly represents your strengths as a brand, regardless of whether it means turning away other potential buyers initially.

7. Be aware of fads – Some businesses have been started by thinking outside of the box, but many have failed by doing just that; social media marketing agencies, for example, exploded onto the scene when platforms like Facebook were becoming established... but how many were able to adapt their strategies as those same platforms matured and became over-saturated with similar companies vying for attention? By taking risks too far outside your wheelhouse, you run a higher risk of falling victim to trends that don't last or changes in customer expectations.

8. Keep it relevant – The internet makes it easy for customers to quickly discover products and services offered by other companies - even if they're very different from yours - making it possible for them to switch allegiances with little effort or consequence. If you want your clients coming back year after year, you need a solid reason why they would continue buying from you instead of one of your competitors who happens to offer something a little different or better suited to their needs at any given time (which could be anything from discounts on bulk orders or seasonal items).

9. Stay connected – It's not enough to produce amazing content and products - you also need a solid plan for getting those items in front of your ideal customers. If they can't find you, they can't buy from you; if a new audience could benefit from what you have to offer but doesn't know it exists, they won't buy either. With traditional advertising channels (like TV or billboards) becoming less effective as more people look to social media as their source for news and updates, it's more important than ever to connect with potential customers online and build an authentic community around your brand before making a sale (rather than after).
 10. Don't lose sight of who your core customer really is – Entrepreneurs often see their ideas on paper and believe that anyone would be willing to pay for it - only later discovering that there wasn't nearly as much demand for their product or service as they believed there was when putting together marketing materials and financial forecasts. Not every product or service is going to appeal to everyone, so don't chase interest outside your core demographic; focus on who will genuinely want what you're offering instead of trying (and failing) to convince everyone that it'll work for them too.

What should be taken into account when implementing new business models?

When deciding whether or not to implement a new business model, it's important to consider each of your customer segments and whether or not they will benefit from (or reject) your new ideas. Is it an improvement over current offerings in their eyes, or is it too risky for them? Consider doing surveys, performing A/B tests on new features, and talking with customers to find out which way they lean. Only then can you confidently know if you should move forward.

Innovation ideas in business

Nowadays, you'll often hear about some innovative new way to save time, money, or resources. But what does that mean for your business? The innovative new way may be great for your customers, but not for you. Every successful entrepreneur knows that true innovation lies in finding a new solution that solves a problem for both you and your customers. To stand out from your competitors, try innovating in one of these four areas: process, product, market, or technology.

Marketing innovation ideas

One of the most effective ways to get a new product or service into your customer's hands is through innovative marketing. If you have a great product but aren't aware of new marketing trends, there may be no way for you to reach your customers with all their available information. Through creative and novel marketing strategies, you can easily capture your audience's attention, whether that means grabbing their interest by providing genuine value or using humor and lightheartedness to create buzz around your brand.


A successful business has to keep pace with changes in technologies, competitors, and customer demands. It also has to deal with changing regulations and price structures. It's difficult to keep up without innovative strategies, processes, products, or services that can give you a competitive edge. Innovations don't just happen. They're a result of recognizing an opportunity and taking bold steps to seize it. While businesses require an innovative spark for their success, it's not always clear how to get a new idea moving.  Innovation is critical for any business, but especially so when it comes to surviving and thriving in a tough economy. For most businesses, it's about necessity—and that's exactly why it shouldn't be overlooked or ignored. Businesses that can innovate and find new ways to meet their customers' needs will keep up with or even beat their competition in terms of sales and profitability.

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Try working on a big problem in your life or in your company or organization in the future as you think about innovation. Then, consider how you can make a difference to over one billion people. It's impossible to innovate without passion. Discover the 20 greatest innovators and the soft skills you need to achieve your goals.
By ingrid June 13, 2023
Existem muitas ideias e projetos inovadores. Utilizá-los pode transformar completamente a forma como percebemos o mundo e realizamos nossas tarefas diárias. Algumas invenções são tão voltadas para o futuro que estabelecem um legado para as gerações futuras. Parece que pessoas brilhantes podem construir tudo o que você possa imaginar, incluindo gadgets, veículos e quase qualquer outra coisa. O pensamento inventivo é geralmente caracterizado por romper com o status quo. Métodos inovadores podem tornar os métodos antigos obsoletos e introduzir paradigmas novos e imprevisíveis. Um verdadeiro inovador é alguém que inova novas ideias e as traz à vida. Inovar significa criar algo que torne a vida melhor. A paixão é a chave para a inovação. O mundo parece diferente para os inovadores. Como resultado, eles ficam obcecados em tornar o mundo um lugar melhor. Inovadores com fins lucrativos estão sempre tentando agregar valor ao mercado. Algumas pessoas se concentram em impulsionar a raça humana por meio de pesquisas básicas. Seja qual for o setor em que atuamos, todos trabalhamos incansavelmente para resolver problemas e criar um mundo melhor. A civilização humana testemunhou muitas maravilhas da engenharia ao longo da história, algumas das quais melhoraram a qualidade de vida e outras foram destrutivas. Por outro lado, no mundo dos negócios acelerado de hoje, continuar melhorando é uma maneira essencial de desenvolver sua mentalidade inovadora e preencher qualquer lacuna de habilidades que sua equipe possa ter. O relatório LinkedIn 2023 Most In-Demand Skills mostra que as soft skills, tanto usadas dentro da empresa (como resolução de problemas, liderança e tomada de decisão) quanto fora (alcançar e reter clientes) estão entre as que as empresas mais precisam neste momento. Então, vamos dar uma olhada nos 20 maiores inovadores de todos os tempos e nas habilidades que os fizeram ter sucesso: Aqui estão os 20 maiores inovadores de todos os tempos. 6 principais soft skills para você e sua equipe alcançarem seus objetivos. Em um mundo de automação, são as soft skills que diferenciam.
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