
Get to know the Game experience and innovate like a startup

June 1, 2021

Learn all about the game that takes the startup innovation ecosystem into companies.

Gamification is a powerful engagement tool . It is used both by educational institutions and by companies of different sizes. It helps to teach, develop skills and fulfill activity journeys .

In companies, it is an excellent resource to increase productivity, encourage teamwork, facilitate the achievement of goals and improve indicators and results . But what about creating and fostering an innovation ecosystem? It's possible? Yes, with Startup Mundi Game Experience it's more than possible, it's a reality.

What is Startup Mundi Game Experience?
A game, an experience, an experience, a learning journey. Whether online or offline, it's the opportunity to lead participants to thinking focused on innovation and disruption.

Four teams with up to four members aim to lead a startup from validating a solution to validating scale. All of this using concepts and practices adopted by the startup ecosystem.

In the game, you can choose standard gameplay or custom sessions. In the standard model, each team must choose a company profile based on a successful startup. In sessions, you can play with your own designs and templates. The main objective is to develop and leverage the growth of the solution created by the team.

The game lasts an average of 5 hours, and helps the team think about innovation processes, the stages of a startup and the steps to be followed to validate a solution.

How does Game Experience work?

Like every game, the Game Experience is made up of pieces and rules that guide players to victory. The board used is full of steps with fundamental concepts for a startup. The experience begins with the validation of a solution and, in the following steps, players learn about the growth of a startup.
Check below some of the factors that influence the game and teach participants to work as if they were in a startup.

Financial control
Each of the teams needs to consolidate their earnings, calculate the time spent and manage the investments that were received during the journey. After all, that makes all the difference in a successful startup!

Talent Cards
Where would startups be without the talented collaborators who work on them? Therefore, with these cards, teams can add talent to their teams, whether in the operational, business, product or customer success areas. Choosing the right talent makes all the difference!

Service Market Cards
The union of talents and services is very important for the expansion of a startup. With these cards, players hire the services necessary to boost the results of their startups. 

Being prepared for unforeseen events is essential for anyone working in a startup. Many things can go wrong, even with planning, investment and attention to detail. In the last phase of the game, there are some unforeseen issues that players have to deal with to keep going. But positive unforeseen events are also part of the journey. Luck benefits those who make the best choices!

Who wins? Everyone , as it is a shared learning . But the game has a winner, the team that has the best acceleration and revenue will be declared the winner and will receive the largest investment at the end of the round.

Live the experience and get your hands dirty. More than that, discovering how the other side works and having the necessary empathy to create the best relationship with the startup ecosystem.

But in addition to learning, participants also exercise creativity, a sense of innovation and the courage to work with a new idea . And of course, they develop team spirit, which is an important part of the game's development. No startup grows alone.

To learn more about Game Experience and how your company can apply it, visit the Startup Mundi website!

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