
Phygital: the new experience for an unforgettable low-cost corporate event

oinaime • October 26, 2022


The end of the year is approaching and, with it, the time to plan the company's get-together. When planning a successful corporate event, it is necessary to consider a number of fundamental factors, such as renting a space, catering services, and the best ice-breaker dynamics. Even because the new work formats can generate even more challenges, such as the displacement of remote employees to headquarters, accommodation and other demands that require even more investment.


On the other hand, a phygital experience can guarantee the fun of your team in a low-cost event and without great organizational needs.




Find out everything you need to know to have the best phygital experience for an amazing corporate event!


  • What is a phygital experience
  • How to be phygital?
  • Example of a low-cost corporate event for you to do at your company


What is a phygital experience?


Phygital is a mixture of the words physical (physical) and digital. In other words, phygital is the union of the physical and digital universes, which unifies online and offline in order to transform the consumer experience.


Watch out!


As much as it is similar to a hybrid event, which combines the virtual with the face-to-face, be careful not to confuse these concepts. A phygital event is differentiated and remains phygital even in an exclusively face-to-face setting because most interactions of the participants need digital tools to be recorded.


With the integration of physical and digital experiences, the virtual world becomes essential.



Benefits of a phygital experience

How to be phygital?

Some pieces are key to creating a phygital environment at your corporate event. First of all, it is important to consider which devices are capable of using the digital tool and provide a good experience for the participant.

We made a checklist with the main details for your planning of an unforgettable phygital experience in the corporate fraternization.

  • Omnichannel communication : remember that the language of the event must be the same used in the day to day of the company, as well as actions and communications with employees, giving more credibility, security and clarity. This will also allow for greater engagement across the organization's different channels.
  • Purpose : it is worth doing research on the needs of the company and the desires of employees in order to identify whether the purposes are aligned for a successful journey. After all, it may even be possible to turn a training session and workshop into a fun phygital experience at your corporate event, and in this way, you combine the useful with the pleasant in a very practical and economical way.
  • Experience : a well-executed action is capable of turning your corporate event into an unforgettable experience. With this, in addition to feeling part of the brand, your employee will be a multiplying agent of the organization's values. After all, what most marks the memory on any occasion is the lived experience.
  • Technology : once you've found your digital tool, check what technology is needed to build the phygital environment at your corporate event. Often, all you need is a large monitor attached to a computer for screen sharing. On other occasions, laptops, tablets or smartphones can also be used, depending on the style of the dynamic.

Example of a low-cost corporate event that you can do at your company


Duda is a multinational digital agency, considered the main webdesign platform for companies that offer website creation services for small businesses.


With an increasingly growing team and a hybrid work model, the company faced the challenge of holding a low-cost corporate event to optimize relationships within the work environment.





The phygital format was the solution found to organize a low cost and practical event, considering that there would be no need for employees to travel from other cities.


To promote an unforgettable team building, Duda chose to try the Startup Mundi Game Experience.


Building a phygital environment


The phygital environment was built with a good monitor and a laptop to share the screens.


Duda's employees were divided into four teams with four participants (including remote ones), with each team also having its own notebook.


The game, which can also take place in digital and physical formats (with a board), was broadcast on the monitor while players interacted through the online board (for the game's step-by-step), but also in person (where they made decisions of plays).





The corporate event was a success!


The team building carried out provided greater engagement between the team and the organization, in addition to generating an even closer relationship between employees.


Participants were able to learn more about the world of startups, living a realistic and exciting simulation of the innovation journey, from idea to scalability.


At the end, a happy hour closed with a golden key!



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