
Innovation programs for large companies: how to execute in times of home office

April 27, 2021

Find out how innovation programs are transforming big companies by creating a culture of innovation.

Innovation is a key word in the market today. For this reason, even large traditional companies are betting on innovation programs to transform the way they work, generate new ideas, encourage the creativity of employees and optimize results.
But in times of home office, many companies do not know how to continue with these plans. Is it possible to do an innovation program remotely, with the team working remotely? The answer is not yes! Even the home office can be the ideal time for these changes.

How does an innovation program work?
The main objective of an innovation program is not to implement news or digitize what is done in the company. In fact, what drives this type of program is the need to transform corporate culture.
In large traditional companies, corporate culture usually follows a cast model in which employees follow orders and are not heard by leaders when they have suggestions, opinions or ideas.
However, nowadays, we already know that companies that open space for communication and have a culture that integrates all positions and sectors are more successful. Therefore, creating a new culture is the main objective of the innovation program.

Why is the home office a good place to innovate?
Although, for the most part, companies have sought the home office as a last resort within the context of the pandemic, it has always been a good space to innovate. Here are some reasons:

More motivation
Many people like the home office environment. They feel less tired and take advantage of the flexible hours to study more, spend more time with the family and even acquire new hobbies. This makes the whole team more motivated.

Innovative environment
One of the first steps that companies take when they start an innovation program is to modify the environment. In the home office, the environment is innovative just because it is not the common working environment. This factor is already a way to encourage a culture of innovation.

More creativity
Being creative is an essential part of the culture of innovation. In the home office, there is a lot of improvisation, last minute changes in plans, adjustments and new ideas popping up all the time. This increase in creativity is ideal for innovating.
Thus, the home office proves to be an ideal place to execute an innovation program and stimulate the team.

How to encourage innovation in the home office?
Your company's innovation program does not have to be based on large projects. It is in the details that significant transformations occur for you and your team.

Check out some tips that make a difference:
  • Promote projects between sectors that require the collaboration of professionals who did not used to work together;
  • Ask for opinions, ideas, suggestions, and don't treat them as absurd or useless - that is, have a communication channel that is always free and open;
  • Analyze your team's strengths and weaknesses to assign tasks where everyone is well used;
  • Stimulate discussion, debate and expose new ideas;
  • Use gamification as a way to learn more about the market and entrepreneurship at startups;
  • Call innovative professionals for partnerships, lectures and other events;
  • Encourage your team to look for the new in online events, lectures and books;
  • Reward new ideas and important initiatives for the company.

The innovation program does not have to stop because of work in the home office. On the contrary: it can help your team feel more united and motivated in a difficult time for the company. So, instead of postponing these actions, start right now!

Startup Mundi encourages innovation in large companies. Come and see our Workshop Startup Mundi Game Experience and learn how it can help your team develop skills.

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