
100 Open Startups Ranking and the importance of open innovation

oinaime • November 9, 2022

The 2022 edition of the Ranking 100 Open Startups broke records, showing the importance and growth of open innovation since 2016.

The ranking is carried out with the aim of promoting and measuring the evolution of this practice in Brazil and Latin America. In this way, it has become a true mine of information on open innovation on the continent and, therefore, its studies and reports bring data considered as references for companies and investors looking for startups.



Check out what we brought you:


  • How the Ranking 100 Open Startups works;
  • Startup Mundi receives an award for creating an innovative mindset in the main global corporations;
  • Challenge;
  • Solution;
  • Results.


How the Ranking 100 Open Startups works

The ranking has very objective criteria, focusing on open innovation relationships between corporations. Thus, startups that relate to corporations earn points and vice versa.
A digital form is used by participants to provide information, which became the basis for ranking in the ranking.
Innovating is a way of creating solutions for the challenges of today's society, bringing different sources of value to conventional technologies, introducing a new technology or service or business model that is different from what already existed in the market.
Innovation may happen through the emergence of a new good, an unprecedented mode of production, just as it can be the constitution of a market that did not exist before, the discovery of a raw material, or the establishment of a new format of organization in any industry. .
In the last 12 months, the volume of Open Innovation contracts between Startups and Corporations was more than BRL 2.7 billion, an average of BRL 260 thousand per contract. In addition, the year 2022 had a higher number of registered relationships than the accumulated from 2016 to 2021, which shows a sustainable growth of the innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem.

Startup Mundi receives award for creating innovative mindset in leading global corporations

Innovation is made with knowledge and practice. And that's how Startup Mundi helps more than 80 companies in 21 countries around the world to teach and train their employees to build better, more efficient and more humane solutions.
Founded in 2017, Startup Mundi aims to stimulate and train the innovative mindset in large corporations, universities and corporate events through the gamified education strategy.

Considered the Monopoly of the innovation ecosystem, the Startup Mundi Game Experience is used to carry out training, team building, contribute to open innovation processes or even manage new products or ideas.


“When we created Startup Mundi, we noticed that spreading the innovation mindset was one of the main challenges among large corporations, their teams and the startup ecosystem. Thus, Startup Mundi Game emerged as a differentiated solution to add to programs of corporate education, intrapreneurship, organizational culture and open innovation” - explains Fabiele Nunes, CEO and co-founder of the startup.

In fact, several studies demonstrate the difficulties that arise in the current conjuncture of the innovation ecosystem. A BCG Group report carried out among the 1500 most innovative companies in the world points out that 75% of the executives of these companies consider innovation as one of the top three priorities, but only 20% report that the company is really prepared to innovate. In addition, a third of these organizations say that the lack of communication between teams is one of the main obstacles effectively.



Startup Mundi Game has a roadmap for simulating the entire journey of a startup, or innovative product, from conception to scalability. Quiz questions on the topic, forming teams or squads, hiring services and even unpredictability factors (such as accounting and pandemic) were considered to make the player's experience even more realistic and exciting.

The game, which can take place in physical, online, hybrid - phygital - formats, enhances learning and the relationship between teams.




Startup Mundi has been played in more than 21 countries and currently has more than 135 B2B businesses and around 80 customers in six countries on different continents, which together add up to the surprising NPS (satisfaction survey) result of 91, far above the market average.
With this, the startup from Santa Catarina has conquered an important portfolio of clients around the world, with organizations listed on Forbes' 100 Fortune Companies, as well as about 10% of the companies present in the 100 Open Corps ranking, such as Arcelor Mittal, Anglo American, Petrobras, Cogna Educação, Accenture, Bayer, Enel, Mercedes-Benz, Ipiranga, Usiminas, Afya and Novo Nordisk.
The union of all these factors with a lean team of only seven employees and a certified network of facilitators around the world is the differential that characterizes the success of the startup, occupying the sixth position of the Top 10 Edtechs of Corporate Education in Brazil, and 45th in the general ranking of the 100 Open Startups, competed by more than 44 thousand startups.
Also highlighting our founders, Fabiele Nunes, as the Top 9 in Female Entrepreuner, and Antonio Durán, as the TOP 4 in Senior Entrepreuner.

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By ingrid June 13, 2023
Existem muitas ideias e projetos inovadores. Utilizá-los pode transformar completamente a forma como percebemos o mundo e realizamos nossas tarefas diárias. Algumas invenções são tão voltadas para o futuro que estabelecem um legado para as gerações futuras. Parece que pessoas brilhantes podem construir tudo o que você possa imaginar, incluindo gadgets, veículos e quase qualquer outra coisa. O pensamento inventivo é geralmente caracterizado por romper com o status quo. Métodos inovadores podem tornar os métodos antigos obsoletos e introduzir paradigmas novos e imprevisíveis. Um verdadeiro inovador é alguém que inova novas ideias e as traz à vida. Inovar significa criar algo que torne a vida melhor. A paixão é a chave para a inovação. O mundo parece diferente para os inovadores. Como resultado, eles ficam obcecados em tornar o mundo um lugar melhor. Inovadores com fins lucrativos estão sempre tentando agregar valor ao mercado. Algumas pessoas se concentram em impulsionar a raça humana por meio de pesquisas básicas. Seja qual for o setor em que atuamos, todos trabalhamos incansavelmente para resolver problemas e criar um mundo melhor. A civilização humana testemunhou muitas maravilhas da engenharia ao longo da história, algumas das quais melhoraram a qualidade de vida e outras foram destrutivas. Por outro lado, no mundo dos negócios acelerado de hoje, continuar melhorando é uma maneira essencial de desenvolver sua mentalidade inovadora e preencher qualquer lacuna de habilidades que sua equipe possa ter. O relatório LinkedIn 2023 Most In-Demand Skills mostra que as soft skills, tanto usadas dentro da empresa (como resolução de problemas, liderança e tomada de decisão) quanto fora (alcançar e reter clientes) estão entre as que as empresas mais precisam neste momento. Então, vamos dar uma olhada nos 20 maiores inovadores de todos os tempos e nas habilidades que os fizeram ter sucesso: Aqui estão os 20 maiores inovadores de todos os tempos. 6 principais soft skills para você e sua equipe alcançarem seus objetivos. Em um mundo de automação, são as soft skills que diferenciam.
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