
Play and learn the skills to innovate

Gamified team-based simulations to build competence and culture in the areas of innovation, entrepreneurship and sustainability.

Game Experiences

In-person, remote or hybrid.

Startup Mundi

Embark on the startup way:  how organizations of all sizes can harness startup techniques to drive growth.


Engage in practicing ESG concepts and implementation examples to impact and mobilize your audience.


Elevate your educational content through the Game Experience methodology.

How to play


Dedicated sessions for your institution with Startup Mundi facilitators.


To replicate the games internally in your institution using your own facilitators.

Request a Free Tournament Experience!

Are you looking to engage your team to comply with the new CSDR? We help you get started.
Sign-up for a
free 10-participant online tournament to test our Game Experience Tracks now.

Each request will be evaluated by the Mundi team to ensure the applicant meets the participation criteria.


Who has played



Innovation and agility

Pagonxt | Santander Company
PagoNxt is an autonomous company within the Santander Group, working as a fintech to deliver fast solutions to the payments market. Learn how they used our game to foster innovation mindset and the startup agility in the teams.

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Executive education and roadshows


As a module within their Executive Education for Innovation program, our game was such a success with the executives that it was cascaded to other levels and included on innovation roadshows. Read more of their testimony here.

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Find out more by contacting us

Find out more by contacting us

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